Why work for Nonprofit HR?

A Message from Our CEO
Meet Lisa Brown Alexander

As thought leaders in the HR space, our
team of experts are called upon to be part
of our clients’ solutions and have the
opportunity to be creative with new HR
challenges every day. We value creating
an environment of innovation.

In fact, our values empower us to be:
  • ​Extraordinary
  • Agile
  • Impactful
  • Accountable
  • Authentic

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Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Nonprofit HR is committed to fostering and maintaining a work environment where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are fully integrated into everything we do for the benefit of our employees and the clients that we serve. To fully realize our goal, we prioritize our understanding of the complexities of DEI within our workforce to inform our approach to talent management. We believe that this guides how we do our work, advise our clients to operationalize DEI and position our content and educational opportunities help strengthen the talent management capacity of the social impact sector. 

Continue reading our about our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging and see aspects of our culture. 
Visit Nonprofit HR's careers page now!

Current Openings